Friday, May 06, 2016

Writing Life is Back

Writing Life is back! After a five-month hiatus, we are ready to start sharing content again. I had been working on a project, with multiple components, that I had planned to launch this year. Sadly, the timing for it is not quite right and has proven to be more than I can accomplish alone. While I have not abandoned it, it has been put on hold indefinitely.

I know, I know, everything doesn't have to be perfect, but for me, the product must be as polished and professional as possible plus it demands unwavering commitment because of the daily writing, producing, and posting of content required. That level of commitment is lacking right now. So, I am focusing on other things such as travel in September, a healthier lifestyle, spending more time with family and friends, learning foreign languages, studying current events, history, and feminism, and in general, just having more fun.

I also reach a milestone tomorrow: I turn fifty. My intention this year, for some of this blog, is to post "This is 50" segments. Each stage of our life is different, and I always feel youthful regardless of the passing years. My experience being fifty is/will be different than yours, but I want to share mine with you. Those of you fifty and older, feel free to send to me your stories and experiences. They may end up in a blog at some point. Those younger than fifty, I'd enjoy hearing your stories too about aging, whether it's turning thirty or forty or merely another year older. What have you learned over the years? What do you struggle with, physically or emotionally? Whatever it is you would like to share, feel free. You may contact me at

I am excited to enter this next decade. Many women dread getting older, but after having been diagnosed with leukemia when I was thirty-seven, I look forward to each birthday. It is a celebration because as we know, many people do not make it to old age, and I would like to be one of them who does.

I look forward to sharing interesting, useful, and sometimes provocative content with you. Until the next time, here are a few previous posts you may find interesting, or browse through older posts where you will also find journal writing tips.

Journaling Through Cancer in the 21st Century

Appreciate the present and leap into the future by reflecting on the past

Is Blogging Journaling?

Write it Down, Make it Happen (Part II)

Protecting Your Journals' Content

Have a happy Mother's Day weekend!

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